Why I Give - "Mama Ireland"

Sixty Five years ago, I was introduced to Gravatt, and two years later Clyde accepted the call from Bishop Cole to be the consultant in Christian Education for the Diocese, which included Camp Gravatt.  The friends I made at camp those summers are still in my life.

In the early 80's, we came back to Gravatt when Clyde accepted the call from Bishop Beckham to be the Director. I quickly became involved in all the life of Gravatt. I loved the summers with the Westmorelands, campers, our amazing staff at the Conference Center, and the many guests from over the Diocese and the community.


My two youngest granddaughters, Catherine and Christine, now go to summer camp. Gravatt is indeed a place in the woods that found a place in my heart. And I give to Gravatt in Thanksgiving for all those wonderful friendships and memories.

-Betty Jean Ireland