Why I Give - Father Frederick C. Byrd

Why am I a Gravatt donor? The answer is easy. I am who I am because of my supportive and loving family and our impactful nurturing Gravatt nestled in the pines on that holy ground. The impact of Gravatt on my life began in 1953 when I was introduced to this holy place as a camper. I have had a seamless relationship for sixty seven years. During those early years I had warm interactions with Bishop Cole, priests, deacons, seminarians, and faithful laity of our diocesan family. It was impossible to be a part of that loving community without being touched by God and that touch began my discernment for Holy Orders. One eventful day stands out. I was on staff at age 16 and I saw Bishop Cole heading to Lake Henry for some fishing time. I asked for a little time for conversation and he graciously agreed. We sat on a log and talked about ministry in all shapes and forms. That time with him and all my other nurturing moments at Gravatt planted the seed of priesthood.

Let me share this reflection from one of my summers as camp director:

In the cool of the evening when the lights are out, the campers are tired and quiet, the campfire is but a pile of glowing embers, a majestic blanket of stars is brightly visible with an occasional shooting star, the faithful whippoorwills and frogs begin their serenade, and a cool breeze drifts across Lake Sylvia, I would sit quietly at the campfire circle and thank Almighty God that we have our beloved Gravatt where good and beautiful things happen for our children and wonderful relationships and memories will stay with them forever.

 Remaining prayerful and confident while facing the ramifications of this horrific pandemic, it is heartening to remember that I am a part of the greater Gravatt Family with wonderful relationships and memories that sustain me. No wonder that I give to Gravatt!!

The Ven. Frederick C. Byrd

Archdeacon Emeritus